Defining polymodes always starts with defining (or reusing) a hostmode and one or more innermodes.

Hosts Modes

Here is how the markdown hostmode is defined:

(define-hostmode poly-markdown-hostmode
  :mode 'markdown-mode)

define-hostmode is a macro which, in this case, simply defines an object poly-markdown-hostmode of class pm-host-chunkmode. Keyword arguments are slots, of which the most important being :mode naming the emacs' major-mode which should be installed in host chunks.

The optional second positional argument to define-hostmode is the parent hostmode. When provided the entire configuration of the parent is inherited by the child. A wide range of hostmodes is already defined in the polymode-base.el file. Please re-use those in your own polymodes.

Inner Modes

Polymode defines two built-in types of innermodes - pm-inner-chunkmode which allows for one pre-specified in advance mode, and pm-inner-auto-chunkmode which detects the major mode of the body span on-the-fly.

Here is an example of the YAML metadata innermode for markdown

(define-innermode poly-markdown-yaml-metadata-innermode
  :mode 'yaml-mode
  :head-matcher "\`[ \t\n]*---\n"
  :tail-matcher "^---\n"
  :head-mode 'host
  :tail-mode 'host)

and a fenced-code auto innermode

(define-auto-innermode poly-markdown-fenced-code-innermode
  :head-matcher (cons "^[ \t]*\\(```{?[[:alpha:]].*\n\\)" 1)
  :tail-matcher (cons "^[ \t]*\\(```\\)[ \t]*$" 1)
  :mode-matcher (cons "```[ \t]*{?\\(?:lang *= *\\)?\\([^ \t\n;=,}]+\\)" 1)
  :head-mode 'host
  :tail-mode 'host)

In both of the examples :head-matcher and :tail-matcher are regular expressions patterns used to search for heads and tails of inner code chunks. The :mode-matcher tells polymode how to retrieve the major mode from the head of the chunk. Each of the three marchers can be a regexp, a cons of the form (REGEXP . SUBMATCH) or a function which should return the name of the mode.

:head-mode and :tail-mode specify the major mode which should be used for head and tail respectively. Special symbol 'host means that the host mode is used for head or tail, if 'body - the mode of the chunk's body. Head and tail modes default to poly-head-tail-mode which is a very basic prog mode with no special powers.

Buffer local polymode-default-inner-mode can be used to specify the default mode for body spans either for anonymous (aka mode-less) chunks or when the major mode cannot be identified. When this variable is nil (the default) either a host mode or a special poly-fallback-mode is installed. Which mode is installed depends on the value of :mode slot of the innermode configuration object.


Finally, use the host and inner modes defined earlier to define the poly-markdown-mode polymode:

(define-polymode poly-markdown-mode
  :hostmode 'poly-markdown-hostmode
  :innermodes '(poly-markdown-yaml-metadata-innermode

define-polymode is similar to the standard Emacs utilities define-derived-mode and define-minor-mode. It accepts several optional arguments - PARENT polymode to be derived from, DOC string and BODY which is executed in host and every indirect buffer during the installation of the chunkmodes. BODY can be preceded by key-value pairs further refining the configuration. By far the most common keys are :hostmode specify the name (symbol) of the pm-host-chunkmode object and :innermodes which is a list of names of pm-inner-chunkmode objects. See the documentation of define-polymode for further details.

Most polymodes are designed to be used as major modes (i.e. in auto-mode-alist or buffer-local mode: cookie). Some polymodes (those with host's :mode slot set to nil) are explicitly designed to be used as minor modes.

Internally, all polymode functions are in fact minor-modes. Thus, you can, for example, toggle them with M-x poly-XYZ-mode. Every polymode buffer (base or indirect) will have this poly-XYZ-mode minor mode activated in order to provide the "glue" interface between different chunks. If you want your commands to be available in all chunks bind them in poly-XYZ-mode-map or directly in poly-mode-map which is the root map of all polymode maps.

A call to define-polymode creates 3 objects in the background:

  • poly-XYZ-mode function which when can be used as major or minor mode.
  • poly-XYZ-mode-map keymap which inherits from PARENT's polymode keymap or polymode-mode-map if no PARENT has been provided.
  • poly-XYZ-polymode configuration object derived (cloned) from pm-polymode object or the PARENT's configuration object if PARENT has been provided.

poly-XYZ-mode will also run poly-XYZ-mode-hook (and all parents' hooks) in every chunkmode buffer after the initialization of the chunkmode has been completed.

Config Objects as Parents

On some occasions the creation of polymode functions for parent objects has little or no sense. For example poly-latex-root-polymode is a parent of the poly-noweb-polymode but having a dedicated poly-latex-mode polymode has not much sense. For such cases PARENT argument of define-polymode can also be a configuration object.

(defvar poly-latex-root-polymode
  (pm-polymode :name "latex" :hostmode 'poly-latex-hostmode)
  "LaTeX root configuration.")

(define-polymode poly-noweb-mode poly-latex-root-polymode
  :innermodes '(pm-inner/noweb)
  :keylist '(("<" . poly-noweb-electric-<)))

In a special case when name of PARENT matches the name of the polymode, PARENT is used directly as the configuration object (no clone or defcustom is performed, as that wouldn't make sense). Therefore, the above definition of poly-noweb-mode is equivalent to the following definition with an explicit poly-noweb-polymode config:

(defvar poly-noweb-polymode
  (clone poly-latex-root-polymode
         :name "noweb"
         :innermodes '(poly-noweb-innermode)
         :keylist '(("<" . poly-noweb-electric-<)))
  "Noweb polymode configuration.")

(define-polymode poly-noweb-mode poly-noweb-polymode)